
Zobrazují se příspěvky z prosinec, 2018

Be our guest

It's almost two months ago when there was a foreign visit from Erasmus. I was asked by my teacher to write a short article about that week, so what can be easier than copy that here? :D It’s quite easy logic: You go somewhere and then someone goes to you. That’s why we had a foreign visit from different parts of Europe – Italy, Greece, Spain and Finland – here in Příbram during the second week of October. Sunday was about expectations – it was the day when all the teams came, and even that we had got in contact with our guests through social media before, we were nervous. Who will come to us? Will he/she be fine? Will I get well with him/her? These are the most common things you could read in our minds. We can’t forget our nervous parents, who were asking themselves (and also us): What will I cook? Will they like it? What time should I pick them up? Will we have to talk to them? And also teachers! Will they enjoy the programme we prepared? Will they work hard? Will we always be